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Saturday, June 30, 2007 |
Ninth annual |
Fifth annual |
Vancouver |
VETO's |
Estival |
Eastern |
Trivia |
Trivia |
Open |
Open |
It's over! See the results page for details.
The Vancouver Estival Trivia Open (VETO) is the nation's longest-running annual quiz bowl tournament. There will again be a mirror in Toronto, and a championship match between the site winners. This web page will be kept up to date with the most current information.
June 28: In Vancouver, we're planning a double round-robin, and on Saturday morning we'll meet at 9:00 a.m. in room 1510 at Harbour Centre.
June 27: Final list of teams. There will be 5 teams in Vancouver, supplying 3 packets. There will be 7 teams in Toronto, supplying 7 packets.
June 21: More clarification of the list of teams, with a second team from UWO. So far, in Vancouver expect 5-6 teams with 3-5 packets, and in Toronto expect 7-8 teams with 7-9 packets.
June 18: The initial deadline has passed. The initial list of teams is up. So far, in Vancouver expect 5-6 teams with 3-5 packets, and in Toronto expect 6-7 teams with 6-8 packets.
June 6: The Toronto location has moved. It will be at the the Bahen Centre for Information Technology, which is about one block away from the originally announced location of Sidney Smith Hall.
Also check out the VETO weblog at http://veto.caql.org
VETO will be run "guerrilla" style, meaning:
See the CAQL results page for links to full reports on previous VETOs and their mirrors in Ontario.
However, recognizing that people come to VETO with vastly different levels of experience, we'd like to give priority to those who have a history of providing good questions in the tossup/bonus format.
So instead of accepting teams on a "first come, first served" basis until space fills up, this is what we'll do:
Even if your team doesn't write questions, we expect you to have enough familiarity with the quiz bowl format to be able to staff games during your bye rounds.
A team can have any number of players, but no more than four can play at a time. If you don't have a full team of four, we can match you up with other players. Solo teams are OK, too: we'll set the schedule so that other teams will have byes and you won't have to staff more than one room by yourself.
In VANCOUVER, the size of the field is capped at 8 teams, but a ninth team may be possible if it has players to rotate into staffing duties in every round. We'll post more details on how a 9th team will need to work if we appear close to reaching our cap.
In TORONTO, the size of the field is capped at 12 teams.
TORONTO: $20 per team that brings an original packet, or $40 if no packet.
June 30 is, of course, the day before Canada Day, which is on a Sunday this year; most Canadians get Monday off work.
VETO will be on the same day as the unrelated Sun n' Fun VIII and a 1/2 tournament at the University of South Florida in Tampa, and also the NAQT HSNCT mirror at the University of Maryland in College Park.
Here is how VETO fits into the North American summer quiz calendar:
By road, using Yahoo!'s directions but more realistic (longer) times,
Vancouver is about:
3 hours from
9 hours from
Eugene, Oregon;
18 hours from
Berkeley, California;
24 hours from
Los Angeles, California, or
Las Vegas, Nevada;
39 hours from
Tulsa, Oklahoma, or
60 hours from
All-day parking on
Saturday runs up to about $5 at Harbour Centre.
Vancouver International Airport is a premier global gateway served by more than 40 airlines with scheduled direct flights from 31 communities in British Columbia, another 33 locations elsewhere in North America, 12 cities in Asia/Pacific, and 3 cities in Europe.
Devotees of Southwest Airlines or JetBlue may prefer to fly to Seattle/Tacoma and then take the Quick Shuttle or rent a car. Non-residents of Canada should have no problem driving an American rental car across the border, but Canadian residents aren't allowed to do this. Also keep in mind that even if it's cheaper to fly to Sea-Tac, if you factor in the time and money you spend on the 34 hours ground transportation each way, it may work out to be more worthwhile to take Air Canada or WestJet or another airline directly to Vancouver.
Take a QuickTime Virtual Reality tour of actual VETO 2007 game room 1510!
For lunch, you won't even have to leave the building. The Harbour Centre Food Court downstairs contains A & W, Amazing Wok, Arabella Mediterranean Cuisine, Bali Thai, Bronco Belle, Carmelo Pastry Café, Cinnamon City, Curry Express, Fusion Wraps & Yogurt, Harbour Deli, Kamakura Japanese food, L'Orange Eurodog, Little Japan, Mr. Spud, Orange Julius, Phoenix Dim Sum, Quizno's, Salad Loop, Soupspoons, and Vana Vietnamese Cuisine. At the same level there are a Pharmasave drugstore with a full-service post office, and shops selling books, clothes, flowers, etc.
See below for other stuff to do in Vancouver, and places to stay.
Games will be conducted according to NAQT rules, except that:
It is to your advantage to print out and bring a copy of the rules. If some discrepancy occurred in a game and you want to protest it, it's a lot easier to convince a judge if you can point at the text that justifies your case, rather than to point into the air and say "I think the rules say..."
In Vancouver, plans are to have a double round-robin. Here is the tentative schedule (thanks, Daniel):
First round-robin: 1500 1520 Bye Packet --------- --------- ---- ------ UBC.-JMTR Pseu-SFUJ FRSD FARSIDE 1 FRSD-Pseu JMTR-SFUJ UBC. UBC UBC.-SFUJ FRSD-JMTR Pseu B2B FRSD-SFUJ UBC.-Pseu JMTR UT 1 (Eric) Pseu-JMTR FRSD-UBC. SFUJ Jordan Second round-robin: 1500 1520 Bye Packet --------- --------- ---- ------ UBC.-Pseu JMTR-SFUJ FRSD FARSIDE 2 FRSD-SFUJ Pseu-JMTR UBC. UWO FRSD-JMTR UBC.-SFUJ Pseu UT 3 (Bobby) Pseu-SFUJ FRSD-UBC. JMTR UT 2 (Rico) UBC.-JMTR FRSD-Pseu SFUJ BenSFU Junta will supply a moderator during FARSIDE's byes. Since the round-robin uses all ten packets, we won't have any left for playoffs.
What follows is no longer valid for the Vancouver site, unless something unforeseen happens and we can't do a double round-robin.
After the round-robin, the teams will be ranked on their performance, first by win-loss record, and in the case of a tied win-loss record, then by average normalized points per game (ANPPG). ANPPG is computed as follows: In each round, find the mean total score of all games played during that round. Then, for every team in every game in every round, compute the normalized score by dividing the actual score by the mean total score in the round. A team's ANPPG is the mean of the normalized scores over all of the games it played.
The top two teams will advance to the finals, which will consist of
one or two rounds.
This will be a best-of-three series in which
the round-robin game
between the two teams will count retroactively
as the first game of the series.
These rounds will be played on packets from the other site.
Question Packets
Detailed question guidelines are on a
separate web page,
which includes a section with
useful links categorized by subject.
Rounds will be untimed, with 20 tossups played in each. But you will have to write more than 20 tossups and 20 bonuses, because:
Science, Math, Technology | 3 4 |
History | 3 4 |
Literature | 3 4 |
Geography | 2 3 |
Current Events | 2 3 |
Fine Arts | 1 2 |
Religion, Philosophy, Mythology | 1 2 |
Social Science | 1 2 |
Popular Culture, Games, Sports | 1 2 |
General Knowledge | 0 3 |
Canadian content quota:
Of the first 20 tossups, at least 4 must refer to Canadian
people, places, things, events, and created works. The same goes for
the first 20 bonuses. But overall, don't exceed 50% Canadian content
in your packet. Your Canadian questions should also cover diverse
subject areas and not be clustered in Geography or Literature, etc.
Tossups should include at least two separate clues, preferably at least four. Multiple-choice bonuses should be used sparingly, if at all, and should provide at least four choices.
In order that we can keep to a reasonable schedule, questions must not be too long:
For our further amusement, we encourage rounds with hidden themes. In the past two years, we've had:
Aim for a difficulty level approximating that of Division I NAQT sectionals.
Please do read the separate packet guidelines page, because it offers many helpful tips. If you can't think of what to write about, we have loads of categorized links to websites you can browse to find possible material for questions.
The Stanford archive contains most of the question packets used at VETO in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. You might note that some writers did not follow all of the guidelines. :) We've taken the list of answers that have come up in VETO in 2005 and 2006 and categorized them by subject. Try to write about things that are not on this list.
Anyone may sponsor a prize and select a winner according to any criteria. Last year, there were at least seven prizes awarded to individuals and teams in Vancouver. Contact us if you're sponsoring a prize that you want listed on this web page. If you want to encourage others to write questions of your favourite type or on your favourite (broadly defined) topic, then announcing a prize here is a good way to do so. Here is the list so far of prizes in Vancouver:
Award criteria | Prize | Sponsor |
Worst repeat | a broken record | Peter of FARSIDE |
Best question on food from non-animal sources | a gluten-free, fat-free, GMO-free, vegan ReBAR 100% organic energy bar | Peter |
Special events to entice you:
See http://www.tourismvancouver.com for more information about Vancouver, including links to special promotions.
While Vancouver has a reputation for heavy rainfall, it does not rain much in the summer. Average precipitation during June is below that of seven of the 10 largest United States cities (by 2000 census population), the exceptions being the desert or semi-desert cities of Los Angeles, Phoenix, and San Diego. And of course, during June, Vancouver has more hours of daylight than any American city outside of Alaska. On VETO day, sunset will occur at 9:20 p.m. It doesn't get any later than that. Twilight in these northern latitudes doesn't begin until after 10 p.m., and to top it off, there will be a full moon that night.
There are quite a few reasonably priced hotels in downtown Vancouver, within walking distance of the tournament location. Try findinghotel.com for looking up accommodation online, but do not be tempted by cheap rates in the East Hastings neighbourhood. This is identified by the V6A postal prefix area, which has the lowest median income in all of Canada.
You may also want to consider staying near a SkyTrain station, since trains on the main stretch from New Westminster to Waterfront run every 34 minutes all day on weekends. Weekend fares are $2.25 per person for 90 minutes of travel anywhere on the transit system, including buses and SeaBus.
A cheap option is a dorm bed at the HI Vancouver Downtown hostel, which we've checked out and found is pretty good as hostels go. It is in a nice neighbourhood 2.1 km from the tournament.
"A lot of Imperialist ladies asked me to tea to meet schoolmasters
from New Zealand and editors from Vancouver, and that was the
dismalest business of all."
- John Buchan,
The Thirty-Nine Steps
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