I just finished the compilation of votes for "best question" at the 2004 VETO, using the Single Transferable Vote system. And the winner is: Social Credit. Just kidding! There were 5 ballots, by these players: Matt (UWO alumni) Ben (Ottawa) Brock (B2B) Andy (Athenian TRASHedies) Daniel (NTC) The number of questions on a single ballot ranged from 2 to 40. We count first choices, then add votes for second choices, third choices, etc., until the number of votes for some question adds up to a majority of the ballots cast (that is, at least 3), at which point that question is declared the winner. First choices: Canadian Indie Rock (UWO) 1 Sheet music (Ottawa) 1 Lady Bracknell (B2B) 1 Dutch (Ottawa) 1 Edward II (Junta) 1 No majority, so add second choices: Sheet music (Ottawa) 2 Canadian Indie Rock (UWO) 1 Lady Bracknell (B2B) 1 Dutch (Ottawa) 1 Edward II (Junta) 1 Canadian time zones (Junta) 1 Arthur Currie (NTC) 1 Spices (Zhan) 1 Bruce LaBruce (B2B) 1 Still no majority, so add third choices: Canadian Indie Rock (UWO) 3 Sheet music (Ottawa) 2 Lady Bracknell (B2B) 1 Dutch (Ottawa) 1 Edward II (Junta) 1 Canadian time zones (Junta) 1 Arthur Currie (NTC) 1 Spices (Zhan) 1 Bruce LaBruce (B2B) 1 Stargate bonus (Junta) 1 We have a winner! This question was in the UWO alumni packet: A bonus on something that would never be in an American tournament: Canadian indie rock! Identify the contemporary indie artist from clues FTPE: Led by Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning, and frequently numbering more than 10 members, this Toronto-based musical collective released You Forgot it in People in 2002 and is the best live act in Canada. Answer: BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE Essentially the project of one man, Joel Gibb, this Toronto-based "band" is notable for their explicit lyrics about sex and homosexuality despite having somewhat of a gospel sound. 2003's The Smell of Our Own met with much critical acclaim, and their upcoming album has the amazing title of Mississauga Goddam. Answer: The HIDDEN CAMERAS Named after an obscure Japanese documentary about a biker gang, this band is based in Montreal and is one of the most prominent groups in what is often called the "post-rock" movement. Their most recent album, Yanqui U.X.O., includes a diagram showing the links between the four major record companies and the military-industrial complex. Answer: GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These questions were ranked by voters as being among the top 10: question \ ranking: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Canadian Indie Rock (UWO) 1 2 Arthur Currie (NTC) 1 1 Sheet music (Ottawa) 1 1 Spices (Zhan) 1 Hart House (FARSIDE) 1 Dutch (Ottawa) 1 1 Lady Bracknell (B2B) 1 1 Matador Records (Zhan) 1 Bruce LaBruce (B2B) 1 1 Edward II (Junta) 1 Canadian time zones (Junta) 1 Stargate bonus (Junta) 1 Vancouver Special (B2B) 1 Math simplification bonus (B2B) 1 Starbucks bonus (B2B) 1 Dr. Seuss lines (B2B) 1 Collarbone tossup (FARSIDE) 1 EU languages audio (FARSIDE) 1 Mermaid tossup (B2B) 1 The ballot with 40 questions on it also included these: 11. Futurama math in-jokes (B2B) 12. Ross rifle tossup (UBC) 13. African geography (UBC) 14. Semaphore bonus (UBC) 15. Double dactyl tossup (FOMO) 16. Cricket positions (FOMO) 17. Anna Karenina tossup (CAWU) 18. Nirvana bonus (CAWU) 19. BC tossup (Zhan) 20. Multinational HQ bonus (Zhan) 21. Free weekly papers (Zhan) 22. American poets bonus (Zhan) 23. Johnson dictionary bonus (Zhan) 24. SCTV tossup (Matt B.) 25. Shakespeare plays (Matt B.) 26. Stockholm Syndrome (Rico) 27. Pokemon tossup (Rico) 28. Archimedean solids bonus (Rico) 29. Rastafarianism tossup (UWO) 30. album cover art (UWO) 31. Fillion tossup (Ottawa) 32. Jerk tossup (Ottawa) 33. Dutch tossup (Ottawa) 34. Eats Shoots & Leaves (Ottawa) 35. 24 tossup (Ottawa) 36. July 18 bonus (Ottawa) 37. Sheet music (Ottawa) 38. Gilles Duceppe tossup (TCCM) 39. Probability bonus (TCCM) 40. Right Honorable bonus (TCCM) Congratulations to Alt for writing the best question, and to others who also wrote good questions for VETO.